The North Central District Health Department has asked area schools to share the following information on the Coronavirus COVID-19. If there are any questions feel free to contact the Health Department (402-336-2406). We will continue to work with them and share information as we learn more.
“COVID-19 and Community Participation”
Public Service Announcement
Concerns over the new COVID-19 virus can make children and families anxious. While we don’t know where and to what extent this disease may spread here in Nebraska, we do know that it is contagious. As our families return from spring break, we ask that you remain watchful in yourself and children when it comes to symptoms of illness. If you know you have been exposed to sick contacts and you begin to experience symptoms of fever, shortness of breath, and cough we ask that you contact your healthcare provider on next steps. It is very important that we keep each other healthy and safe, so please stay home if you are sick. We encourage anyone who may feel the need to be seen at your doctor’s office or emergency room that you call ahead first, so staff can be prepared for your arrival. Easy ways to keep yourself and others healthy: wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and warm water, cough and sneeze into your elbow or tissue and throw the tissue away, clean or wipe down frequently touched surfaces and objects, eat healthy, get plenty of sleep. As a reminder we are still in the middle of a busy cold and flu season, so please be on high alert for signs and symptoms of illness. If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, please contact North Central District Health Department.